The 200 yard “pit” was completely rebuilt in 2019
The Proposal
At the board meeting of November 29th, 2018, the Board of Directors approved the request of Chief Range Officer Franco Scarpino for $15,000 to implement repairs and expansion of the 200 yard rifle pits. This request was also approved by the membership at the regular meeting of November 5th, 2018. Due to the winter season and it’s effect on the availability of required materials the work will most likely start in the spring of 2019.
The reason for this request and subsequent approval was the existing structure has become structurally deficient with large foundation cracks and a severe inward lean on the main wall. For those of you unfamiliar with the pits, this is a partially buried concrete structure behind the 200 yard berm used in the handling and scoring of military style sash targets with individuals downrange in the structure during certain rifle matches. Below are photos showing the existing structure and the problems.
The Plan
Interlocking Precast Concrete Block
Remove the current four position structure.
Excavate to expand the length to eight positions.
New 6” slab with drainage.
A new structure composed of interlocking cement blocks 2'x2'x6' in size weighing ~1.5 ton ea.
New electrical and lighting.
Berms around the pits regraded.
1/12/19: This is the 200 yard berm viewed from about the 100 yard range..
1/12/19: The “Pit” is located behind the berm under the arrow.
1/12/19: The sash targets are raised and lowered through the hatches on the pit roof.
1/12/19: You can see the targets from this view.
1/12/19: Exterior view from backside.
1/12/19: A view of structural damage.
1/12/19: Another view of structural damage.
1/12/19: Another view of structural damage.
1/12/19: Here you can see the wall has started to lean in.
2/26/19: Work started on 2/25/19 with the removal of the original structure. Here, they are beginning to lay the new concrete block.
2/26/19: The V shaped protrusions on the top and side fit into groves on the bottom and opposite side locking the blocks together without the need for mortar.
2/26/19: Each block is 2’H x 2’W x 6’L and weigh about 1.5 ton.
2/26/19: Due to the weight and interlocking features, these blocks should be resistant to the effects of the earth back fill.
5/4/19: This view shows the forward wall nearly done.
6/16/19: The basic structure is now complete.
6/16/19: Next steps involve pouring a slab, reinstalling electricity, installing SASH target frames, and a new roof.
7/10/2019: Rebar and drainage have been installed. Weather is cooperating so concrete can now be poured.
7/10/2019: There will be a slab and steps.
7/10/2019: Finishing the slab.
7/10/2019: Putting the smoothing touches on the project.
7/10/2019: Finished view from steps to opposite side.
08/16/2019: Installation of “sash” frames.
08/16/2019: View of “sash” frames from on top of the 200 yard berm.
08/16/2019: View of “sash” frames from rear.
08/16/2019: View of “sash” frames from inside pit area.
9/30/2019: Interior view of completed project. At the far end is a storage location.
9/30/2019: View of completed project looking back towards the entrance. Note new flag that will be used to indicate people are in the pits.
9/30/2019: Exterior view of the nine stations. Targets are raised and lowered for scoring from inside the pit.